Begin the journey with StudyReach
Powered by the AECC Global network with over 12 years of experience. StudyReach offers recruitment partners an unrivalled experience and opportunity to connect students to new opportunities.
Global university & college partners
Global campuses around the world
Students supported and enrolled
Find the right University or College for your students
Student choice is critical, StudyReach is proud to provide a platform that connects students to opportunities they otherwise might not have access to.

Manage Multiple Applications Online
Manage multiple students and applications intelligently on the StudyReach platform.

Fast Application Submission
We pride ourselves on quality and compliance whilst ensuring fast application submission for our recruitment partners around the world.

Find The Right Course
Our recruitment partners have access to a wide range of course opportunities on our platform.

Less is more
A focus on quality and compliance
We work with a limited number of recruitment partners with a focus on GTE compliance, application completeness and quality
StudyReach reviews and verifies each application and document individually.
Recruitment partner business certification required.
A world-class platform connecting students.
The StudyReach platform empowers our recruitment partners and gives students choices when it comes to studying abroad.
Powered by the AECC Global Network

Giving students choice and access to world class education providers.*
Subject to certain territory/ university restrictions